We know that with any business event, especially one aimed at creators, the networking opportunities are of huge importance. For BorderlessLive we have looked to make sure all of those attending as content creators, industry and sponsors have every opportunity possible to meet, mingle and form relationships.
“Content creators, industry and sponsors have every opportunity possible to meet, mingle and form relationships”
Speed Networking
When we started looking at what worked and what didn’t with existing events, much of our focus was on various speed networking sessions. It seemed to us as though almost everyone who attended had the same main issue, among many great points; that the meetings were just not productive.
We have looked at various ways to minimise the chances of wasted meetings in these sessions, with our final outcome being that there will be three separate speed networking events held over the two days of BorderlessLive.
Ahead of BorderlessLive, creators will be sent a survey to fill out, this will help us find out various key factors such as niche focuses, channel age, target audience, desired travel locations and more. Using this data, influencers will be streamed into one of three sessions. These sessions will be based not on follower numbers or domain authority, but based around the kind of opportunities that the creators are looking for. This could be the style of campaigns they’re looking to work on, type of relationships they want to form and of course the big question; payment and deliverables.
Brands and industry attendees
Next up are the brands and industry attendees at the networking sessions. All of those attending from this side will be provided with information based on the stream of each session. This, again, will mean that the right brands approach the right creators armed with more information about what a campaign or relationship may look like.
So the end result of all of this should mean that there are far less meetings that are a waste of time for both parties and a much higher chance of the short time you have to chat leading to a longer term relationship, and hopefully some amazing campaigns.
Creators Breakfast
The creators breakfast is an opportunity to meet fellow content creators and digital influencers before doors officially open on Saturday. This will be a fantastic chance to grab some delicious food, swap business cards with like-minded people and get connected!
Evening parties
A festival wouldn’t be a festival (and a Traverse event wouldn’t be a Traverse event) without a bit of an evening party! After the event officially closes at 6pm, attendees with passes for the evening party are invited to stick around as we turn up the music and bring out the refreshments. Let the networking continue in an informal and relaxed setting, as this is when the all the best long-lasting relationships are formed.
If you haven’t got your ticket yet it’s not too late to join us in Tobacco Dock, London on 6th and 7th September for BorderlessLive! Limited tickets remain.
(Header image by Helena Lopes on Unsplash)

Charlotte has been a Marketing Executive for the past year now. Prior to this she spent three years at Bristol University studying English Literature.
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