For some time now we’ve been planning to launch our blog and finally… after some time, it has become a reality!
We’ve always wanted to have a dynamic place to publish content about the skills and insights that go into digital content creation, bloggers/influencers and lifestyles that enable us to create more fulfilling and flexible lifestyles beyond the traditional 9 till 5 office jobs.
So, it’s with great pleasure that we welcome you to the hottest new property in digital content creation! The Traverse blog.
At Traverse we’re always looking to highlight outstanding digital content and talented content creators, as well as helping content creators improve their own skills of course!
We’ll be covering all things that relate to creating awesome content online (blogging, podcasting, videography, photography etc) and building a successful, flexible lifestyles including travel, technology, content creation, campaigns and projects, opinion pieces, business and events.
There are plenty of different niches and sub-niches out there as well as different content types, at Traverse we’ve always had a travel slant to our events but we’ve always had bloggers, Instagrammers, photographers, videographers and podcasters from various different niches (travel, fashion, lifestyle, parenting, food etc) to attend and be part of our community. We believe there’s plenty to learn from the differences between the niches so why focus on just the one? That would be silly! Our blog (we hope) will appeal to all niches!
It’s early days, we’ll be adding more sections and features as the blog grows, so do come along for the ride!
So who’s going to be writing the content? Well, first of all there’s me…

Some of you will know me already for being the co-founder of Traverse, I’ve also been blogging ( since 2006 so know plenty of bloggers in the travel niche. I used to write posts about the industry on occasions so it’ll be good to get my teeth into some of the more opinionated pieces here on the blog. Prior to that I was a web developer and global SEO manager over the years. These days I’ve got a new side project all about learning to surf and live a little healthier at You can usually get hold of me on Twitter – @travmonkey.

The other Traverse co-founder, Michael has been working in media and marketing in some form since 2006. He started playing around with events while working as a travel writer in Sydney in 2010, founding the London chapter of Travel Massive later that year. Prior to Traverse, he seemed to have a new job every few months, mainly working in social media and marketing. Outside of Traverse, Michael can be found travelling, complaining about travelling, whining about not travelling enough and hating being stuck in London. He also plays football, badly and enjoys the very occasional beer.

We also have Anastazja who joined the Traverse team back in 2017. She’s a recent graduate in International Business Management (BSc and a 1st no less!) and a travel enthusiast who is constantly researching and looking to explore the lesser-known places around the globe.
Along with working at Traverse, she also runs her travel and lifestyle blog Anastazja’s Adventures where she writes all about her super micro-adventures!
We’re also looking to publish your outstanding content!
What we are after is some really exceptional content, with beautiful photography (or videography) that really showcases your work and talents as a content creator. We want the content to be unique, original and sometimes innovative or thought provoking. If you’re keen to be part of the Traverse blog check out our post on how you can get involved.
So, what do you think of the new site? What sort of content would you like to see on the blog? Is there a topic or area that you think we should be covering? Drop us a comment below if you think you have a killer idea, any thoughts or just want to say hello!

Paul is co-founder/director at Traverse and also a long term travel blogger at His new project is all about learning to surf and leave the stresses of the city behind at as well as his new project crowdsourcing airport information