Quick Intro To The Traverse Creator Awards

Yesterday we announced the Traverse Creator Awards (TCAs) for 2019. We’ve been planning to launch awards that recognise and celebrate the talent in the digital content creation space for some time, so we’re delighted that we’re finally in a position to deliver them.

There will be plenty more information in the pipeline when we open submissions for the awards. In the meantime, here’s our live announcement video from Facebook that may give you some of the answers to any questions you may have.

You can visit our Traverse Creators Award page for key dates, categories etc. As always, stay tuned to our social channels, newsletter or Facebook group if you want to be in the loop with the TCAs and all other Traverse happenings!


  • A great idea! Recognising individual skillsets instead of the generic "best travel blogger" awards we've all seen previously. Also having a panel of experts and judges deciding the shortlist/winners rather than it being a "please vote for me!" popularity contest. Looking forward to seeing what everybody comes up with :)
  • Cheers Steve! Yes I think it's really important to award those skills and also get away from the online voting that everyone seems to be so fond of. We need to level the playing field for content creators so that real talent is recognised and rewarded.
  • Amazing work. Are International entries accepted ? Im 13 and Indian travel blogger. #travelsalacarte #byrainnagoel

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