Key Information & Deadlines

Traverse 22 starts on 13 September and we’re now well into the latter stages of preparation. With the kick off next month, there are some deadlines looming for sign ups and applications as well as information that will be handy to know to start planning your time in Brno.

These are some tips and key dates for those attending Traverse 22 in Brno.



Join the Facebook Group

We have a dedicated Facebook Group for all Traverse 22 attendees. Make sure you’re signed up and have updates turned on. We will of course make sure we share all information on emails and other social media platforms. But the Facebook Group will be the best place for latest updates, asking questions and connecting with other members of the Traverse community that will be in the Czech Republic.

Apply for the Post Event Trips

If you’ve not yet done this, the second deadline for applying for the Traverse 22 Post Trips is 17 August, with the confirmations being sent out a day or two after. If you applied in the first round but didn’t get accepted, there is no need to apply again. However, if you have any more information you can share with us, such as content ideas or a media pack, this may well help your chances of being chosen for a trip. Apply for Post Event Trips here.

The Midweek Experiences

The Traverse 22 Midweek Experiences take place from 13-16 September in and around Brno. These are free and open to all Traverse 22 ticket holders and the sign ups will open on 15 August. Make sure to take a look at the different events to plan which you’d like to attend.

This year, to make the sign up process as fair as possible, we’ll be releasing the tickets in three stages over two days, so people who are on different time zones, working or travelling will not miss out on the opportunity to sign up. We’ll also be limiting the amount of experiences people can sign up for at one time. You’ll find the link to apply on the Midweek Experience page when sign ups are open.

Sign up for Traverse emails

As always, the best way to stay on top of all things Traverse is to be on our mailing list, make sure you’re signed up for updates and check your spam/other folders if you have not seen a recent email from us.

More to Come

We have more to reveal about Traverse 22, including the main evening events, social evenings and further updates to the incredible Weekend Conference schedule. So make sure you’re on the Facebook Group and signed up for updates so you don’t miss out.