
All the latest news & thoughts from Traverse

Our Mission, Vision and Core Values

We thought it'd be a good idea to highlight our vision and core values going forward, so that if you think we aren't adhering to them you can call us out. If you attended our first conference, Traverse 13 then you may have noticed how we...

Traverse Mingle Details

Where is it? We've got our own private entrance between Bryanston Street / Great Cumberland Place, so please come around the corner off from Oxford Street. If you're not sure ask at the hotel door. See the map below. View Map What's Happening? We're starting from 7pm...

Coverage from Traverse 13

With Traverse 14 in Newcastle Gateshead on the horizon (February 2014, if you haven't grabbed your ticket click here) I thought it'd be a good idea to round up the blog post coverage we had from Traverse 13 in Brighton. We were quite blown...

The benefits of hands-on learning

Learning environments are often depicted with rows of desks all facing the front where the teacher, tutor, or lecturer relays information in a non-participatory way. The learner will maybe take a few notes but might not understand...

Be Social @ Traverse 2013

A lot of people see networking events as a chore. Sure, they sometimes come at the wrong time, a Monday after a busy weekend, or an evening when you really should be at a friend’s birthday, but these exceptions...

Part Time Intern For Traverse

Traverse Events is now well into its second year and we’re busy working on our fifth event, Blogstock 2014, as well as our sixth and seventh events, and a few special projects. Needless...